It's time for a new contest. Who is in?
For those who don’t know, here’s how it works.
Every participant pays $5/week—$60 total. Every week the person with the highest percentage weight lost will receive $2 for every participant in the group, and the person with the highest body fat percentage lost will receive $1 for every person in the group. The remaining $2 will go into pot for the overall biggest loser, biggest fat loss at the end. ($1.50 for highest percent weight loss, $.50 for highest percent body fat loss). For example, if there are 25 participants, the weekly winner for percent weight lost will receive $50, the weekly winner for percent body fat lost will receive $25. The overall percent weight loss winner will receive $450, and the overall body fat loss winner will receive $150.
In addition, Scott Electric will pay $25 to every participant who loses 3% of their body weight during the contest, $50 for 5% lost, and $100 for 10% lost.
We’ll do the first weigh in on October 19, with 12 weigh-in’s for payout ending on January 11.